Terms & Conditions
Ornament Qualities The ornaments sold by us have the following melting purities (a) 916 (22ct), 91.66% pure gold content (b) 750 (18ct) 75% pure gold content (diamond studded jewellery only)
Exchange / Repurchase Policies
Gold Jewellery : The ornaments bought from our shop can be exchanged without any deduction in net weight of the ornaments (net weight means total weight of ornaments less stones/enamel/beads/Kundan/Lak if any). Making & Purity charges, and stone cost if any, for new ornaments against exchange will be charged extra. The ornament sold will be repurchased on net weight basis a 10% less of the gold rate prevailing on the date of repurchase for 91.6 purity ornaments and 17% less for 22/85 ornaments purity. All payments against purchases above five thousand will be made by postdated cheques only. (Original bills must be produced for exchange or disposal). Exchange policy is valid for exchange against ornaments only, and not against coins or pure 24 ct. gold.
For any cancellation of orders, making charges shall be deducted from the advance/Metal Deposited. (Gold rate shall be valid for only 15 days) on all Cash/Metal deposited.
The prevailing day’s rate or the same rate whichever is higher shall hold after lapse of 1 month). The beads & stones weight wherever mentioned is approximate.
Diamond Jewellry: Our Diamonds can be exchanged or repurchased, at 100% of the first purchased value excluding the making & Purity Charges. However 18K (75% purity gold) will be repurchased at 10% less on the prevailing 18K rate.
Silver Jewellery : There is no exchange or repurchase for the silver jewellery/ articles sold by us.
Job Orders Cash /Metal receipt shall be presented at the time of taking delivery of ornaments, failing which ordered item will not be delivered. Management shall have the right to sell the ordered ornaments, if not collected within one month of their readiness (date of delivery). In case customer wants to reorder the ornaments, the same shall be, booked at the rate prevailing on the date of reorder or the same rate whichever is higher. Reserved items shall be held for 3 days only, advance if any shall be refunded. Prevailing rate shall be applied after 3 days time. No Interest is payable by the jeweller to the customer on account of the advances/metal deposited.
Decoloration of Ornaments The decoloring of the ornaments may sometime occur by reaction with mercury, rose water, perfumes, flowers, acid spillage, cosmetics, perspiration, exposure of solder etc, Such ornaments should be immediately brought to the shop for cleaning and re polishing, and these ornaments should not be considered as inferior in quality.
Caution : The customers shall verify and make themselves assured of the weight, number of pieces, quality, and workmanship of the ornaments prior to taking delivery. Once the ornaments are delivered, management will not accept any responsibility on these counts. There is no guarantee for breakage of ornaments and fall of stones. It solely depends on careful storage & usage. Ornaments once sold by the customer will not be returned under any circumstance. It is presumed & agreed by both customer and the jeweller, that the valuation given for the ornaments to the customer is good and the customer has released his/her right over it and authorised the jeweller to melt, recycle and use the same, Any claims what so ever after it, will not be entertained by the Management.
Hallmarked Jewellery : Customer should ensure the BIS symbol & carat age symbol e 916 and MDK markings on the ornaments prior to taking delivery
Precious Stones The precious stones bought from our shop can be exchanged or repurchased at 50% value of stone cost i.e (Rubies, Emerald or Neelam), Almas 75% value of stone cost, for Navratan items, net weight is arrived after deducting 25% for stones & beads. Gold repurchase rate is arrived as per para two (above). No exchange/repurchase for pearls beads. Synthetic stones & silver items
MC —Making Charges, PC —. Purity Charges Original bills must be produced for exchange or disposal .Any or all of the above policies may change at the discretion of the jeweller, without any prior notice or intimation. The customers must ensure that all their belongings cash & valuables are in order before leaving the counter. It is understood that the customer has read and agreed for all the above terms and the concerned sales person has translated all the above policies in the mother tongue of the customer and the customer has agreed for all the above terms and conditions.
These above Terms & Conditions supercede all other earlier terms & conditions. Disputes Subject to Hyderabad Jurisdiction.